Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sense at last!

I was listening innocently to Classic FM today when I heard David Gillespie talking clear common sense at last about the overweight epidemic that has the health systems of affluent countries on their knees. I had long ago decided that there's nothing wrong with eggs, butter and animal fat - we've been eating them for thousands of years, unlike that revolting invention called margarine, and canola oil, the petrol substitute that is now being grown instead of other genuinely nutritious crops.
When I googled him I found suspiciously little about him (he is after all just a lawyer, not a nutritionist or a doctor, or even a food producer with a vested interest in marketing certain products), apart from this site:
I suggest that if you've tried everything else, try cutting out sugar. The strongest message was his opening statement - that on average we used to consume 2kgs of sugar per year - now we consume 50kg per year.

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